A Look Back On 2024: With Alex Iaroshenko, CEO At BETBAZAR
Often the most important milestones for a company are ones that are quite difficult to see from the outside. In BETBAZAR’s case, I’d say we’ve lost some of the start-up feeling we once had. I don’t mean this in a bad way, but rather in it being just another logical stage in our development.
I believe we’re now an established name that’s carved out a specific share of the market, so it feels like we’ve started to enter a new phase of our growth. Part of that is consolidating our team to keep up with these new demands, but I’m happy to say that around 90% of our employees are the same, super talented people who were here at the beginning – and for me, that’s the biggest milestone of all.
We face the same operational challenges that most companies experience, but for us there’s the added complexity that we’re totally remote and spread across multiple countries. Even with those logistical hurdles to overcome, we still manage to gather together once or twice a year, so I’d say that we’re doing pretty well on that front.
A more specific challenge for BETBAZAR is probably the idea of diversification. This is a key strategy for the company and my goal is to ensure that we have multiple sources of income from various partners and products. It’s definitely a process that takes time, but we’ve signed some important deals this year and are moving in the right direction.
A Betbazar — parte da holding JKR Invest — visa capacitar sua equipe de vendas com um gerente de vendas júnior/consultor de pré-vendas. Oferecemos o cargo de nível básico em tempo integral com um agendamento remoto opcional para um gerente que deseja iniciar uma carreira no setor de iGaming e vendas B2B.
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